Leave Rules
i. Leave of absence cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
ii. The authority granting leave of absence may arrange for the efficient discharge of duties of the absentee during his absence
iii. When the exigencies of school interest so require, leave of any kind may be refused or revoked by the authority concern to grant it but it shall ordinarily not be open to the authority to alter the kind of leave due and applied for except at the request of the employee.
iv. Any claim to leave to the credit of an employee who is dismissed or removed or who resigns from service. ceases from date of such dismissal, removal or resignation of the employee.
v. Unless the Managing Committee in view of the exceptional circumstances otherwise determines. no employee should granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding three years.
vi. Prefixing and suffixing holiday to leave shall be allowed automatically except in cases where for administrative re permission for prefixing/suffixing holidays to leave is specifically withheld. In the case of leave on medical certificate, if there on which the employee is certified medically fit for rejoining duty happens to be holiday, he/ she shall be automatically allowed suffix such holiday(s) to his/her medical leave and such day(s) shall not be counted as leave.
vii. An employee can be granted leave on medical certificate obtained from the authorized medical attendant. Where auto competent to grant leave is not satisfied with the genuiness of particular case, it shall be open to such authority to section second medical opinion from a medical officer.
viii. In case of an employee who is recalled to duty before the expiry of leave, such recall of leave shall be treated as compulsory .
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